miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Summary #8/ A Blood System

A Blood System

This topic is about The blood and the heart and also of the circulatory system.The function of the circulatory system is to transport the nutrients and oxygen to all the body.The blood has 3 types of cells that are white blood cel that transport the nutrients and the oxygen, the redblood cells that fight diseases, and the platelets who are the ones that stop bleeding, cover injuries from bleeding.3 blood vessels that are in the circulatory system are the arteries that carry blood from the heart to the body the most important artery is aorta, veins that are the ones that bring the blood back to the heart the most important vein is vena cava,and the capillaries that are the ones that connect arteries and veins.We can know whe is an artery and when is a vein by seen the color.The blood coming from the arteries is a bright red color and the blood coming from the veins is a Dark red color.

Summary #7/ How Ecosystems change.

How Ecosystems Change

  • This topic is about Ecological succession that are the gradual replacement of one community by another.This topic also is about
  • Pioneer species:The first species living in an area.Ex:Birds, insects, weeds.
  • Pioneer community:The first community living in an area.Ex: Insects Community, Weeds Community, Birds-eating insects community.
  • Climax Community: The final stage of succession in an area, unless a major change happens.Ex: Forests.


Summary #6/ Places to live around the world.

Places to live around the world.

 This topic is about places to live around the world this includes the biomes, biomes are one of Earth's large ecosystems, with its climate, soil, plants, and animals.there are 6 Biomesthat are taiga that havea cool climate, Tundra that has a cold climate, Desert that have a hot climate and sandy or rocky soil, Decidious Forest that have many kinds of trees that lose their leaves in each autumn, and Tropical Rainforest that havbe a hot,humid climate and is a biome near the equator, with much rainfall and a wide variety of life.Also exist 2 types of water biomes salty water biome and fresh water biome.

Summary #5/ Surviving in ecosystems.

Surviving in Ecosystems

This topic is about Limiting factor, limiting factor is anything that controls the growth or survival of an organism or population.Also is about adaptation, adaptation is a characteristic that helps an organism survive in its ecosystem.And this topic also includes Symbiosis that is a relationship between 2 kinds of organisms over time.There are three examples that are:

  • Mutualism, that is two organisms benefit each other.Ex:Yucca tree<---->Yucca Moth
  • Parasitism, one organism benefit and the other harms.Ex:Dog--->Flea
  • Commensalism,two organism that benefit each other not harming but protecting.Ex:anemones<--->clownfish.

Summary # 4/ Cycles of Life.

Cycles of Life

This topic was about the Water Cycle,It evaporates, Condenses, and moves from one part of the environment to another.In other words the water is recycled.Another Cycle of this topic is the Carbon Cycle, this Cycle is the continous transfer of carbon between the living things and the atmosphere.One of the elements that make up all the living things is carbon. Nature recycles carbon, and it is used by all organisms.There is also anoither cycle that is called the Nitrogen Cycle, that is the transfer of nitrogen from the atmosphere to plants and back to the atmosphere and directly to into plants again.The Nitrogen Cycle is the way nitrogen moves between the air, soil, plants, and animals.